The Timeless Charm of Tifa Lockhart: Top 8 Quotes in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

  • 22-03-2024 |
  • Courtney Millhouse

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth continues the reborn legacy of one of the most beloved JRPGs of all time. Within its storyline are countless memorable lines that capture the essence of the characters, and none so poignant as those uttered by Tifa Lockhart. Tifa, the heart and fist of the eco-terrorist group Avalanche, emerges not only as a powerhouse brawler but also as a character with depth, emotion, and resilience. Her quotes aren't only lines of dialogue; they are insights into her soul, her struggles, and her relationships. Let's delve into the eight best Tifa quotes from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and explore the layers beneath each.

8. “Cloud, You Ahole!”

Cloud, You Ahole

The beginning of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth offers an Easter Egg during Cloud's flashback in Nibelheim. When Cloud snoops through Tifa's cupboard, the reaction from both Tifa and Aerith upon discovery is hilarious, calling him out for his invasion of privacy. This not only serves as a light-hearted moment of character interaction but also reveals a playful side to Tifa that players may not picture when they consider her usual reserved and compassionate demeanor. It digs into the importance of boundaries, even between friends with deep histories.

7. “Sephiroth, Soldiers, Mako, Shinra, I’m Sick Of This!”

In a raw display of emotion, Tifa vividly expresses her distress and exasperation at the overwhelming circumstances surrounding her life in Chapter 1. This outburst occurs at a peak moment when she's confronted with loss and betrayal. Tifa's normally collected personality breaks away to unveil her vulnerability and the heavy toll of her journey. It resonates with players who've been exposed to relentless challenges, encapsulating the frustration of a fight that seemingly has no end.

6. “I’m Here Now Because They Were There For Me Then, And Where Were You?”

Tifa's confrontation with Cloud about his absence during her darkest moment defines one of the critical turning points for both characters in Chapter 2. It invokes a poignant mix of rebuke and sorrow, challenging Cloud's reliability and prompting players to question the nature of their assumed narrative. Tifa's quote emphasizes the strength drawn from the camaraderie and the scars left by abandonment, a theme that lies at the very core of Final Fantasy 7's story.

I’m Here Now Because They Were There For Me Then, And Where Were You

5. “Ribbit?”

The lighter side of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth allows characters to depart from their hardened warrior personas momentarily. Tifa's humor shines as she is turned into a frog, a status effect central to a Junon mini-game. Her bewildered "Ribbit?" is a delightful moment that endears her further to the player by showing that beneath the determined fighter lies a sense of humor and an ability to embrace the absurdity of their situation. This balance between the gravity and levity of their quest makes Tifa more relatable.

4. “You Look…Wow.”

In Chapter 4, as the group transitions through disguises to infiltrate enemy lines, it's Tifa's simple yet telling compliment to Barret that captures the essence of their camaraderie. This heartfelt acknowledgment of Barret's unusual appearance highlights Tifa's supportive nature and her ability to provide comic relief. The choice of the word "wow" encapsulates a spectrum of emotions, affirming the bond she shares with her comrades.

3. “I Get This All The Time.”

While exploring Costa del Sol in Chapter 6, Tifa casually remarks about the frequency of misunderstandings with other women, unwittingly flaunting her magnetic appeal. This self-aware comment humorously showcases her charisma and the unintended effects it has on those around her, asserting her as a confident, self-possessed woman. The subtext of admiration and envy from others serves as a testament to her strong presence.

I Get This All The Time

2. “You’re Afraid Of A Little Video Game?”

During a date at the Gold Saucer in Chapter 8, Tifa teases Cloud for his reluctance to engage in what he considers a child's pastime. This jest is a heartwarming instance of their dynamic, with Tifa gently coaxing Cloud out of his shell, nudging him towards fun and normalcy amidst the chaos. Her lighthearted taunt points to a deeper need for levity and connection in their lives and highlights Tifa's role in grounding Cloud.

1. “No, Don’t Take Him Too!”

Perhaps the most emotionally charged quote comes from Chapter 9 when Tifa pleads as she sees Cloud being led astray, symbolically and perhaps literally. Her cry is a raw echo of fear and desperation, touching the hearts of players who've grown to care for the well-being of these characters. This line underscores the theme of loss and the struggle to hold onto those we cherish, further cementing Tifa's role as the emotional anchor not just for Cloud but for the entire party.


Tifa Lockhart's character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth captures the complexity and depth of a woman who is more than just a fighter; she is a friend, a nurturer, and a touchstone for the narrative's emotional highs and lows. Her most memorable quotes serve as poignant reminders of her place within the story, offering glimpses into her inner strength, her capacity for joy, and her abiding loyalty. Whether it's calling out Cloud for nostalgia-driven snooping, expressing a hard-hitting reality check, or simply teasing him into light-heartedness, each line is delivered with a sincerity that engages players and builds on the profound legacy of Final Fantasy 7. Tifa reminds us that in the world of Gaia, as in life, it's the connections we build, the emotions we share, and the common battles we fight that truly define us.